I want to let you all know what the BID has been up to during this unprecedented time. Your BID is continuing the weekly cleanup schedules for Sprague and Riverside and bi-weekly cleanup of the area north of Riverside. The State of Washington was providing our cleanup teams, but elected to discontinue due to the Coronavirus. The private contractor we have used to do most of our maintenance, snowplowing, hanging planters and winter displays stepped up to maintain the appearance of our neighborhood. Removing trash, cleaning the planters, and patrolling the alleys for trash removal is going fine and we are close to budget. If you have a problem with an illegal dump site please call me at 509-342-1553.

As a retailer located in the same block since 1945, I look forward to our business opening again. It is amazing how many businesses in our neighborhood have been around 50, 60, even 100+ years. We individually have seen huge problems before and through perseverance, innovation and planning, we have survived. This is a little different in that ALL of us are collectively and simultaneously in the same boat at the same time experiencing the same hardships.  

The quick injection of operating cash for maintaining operations for two months will help. Use that time wisely in preparation for the next year. My plans are based on personal experience, and top economist’s projections that it will take a long time to come back to the business we had in February. Plan accordingly.

Your BID is planning on installing the hanging flower baskets in late April or early May depending on the following conditions: (1) the weather cooperates, (2) the City of Spokane gets the water turned on, and (3), if the Governor’s business ban is lifted.  

News regarding the increase in criminal activity at Sprague and Napa shows it is declining, having moved to Sprague and Cowley. All businesses need to remain extra vigilant to problems they see and report the issues to the Spokane Police Department (SPD). SPD has stepped up patrols with so many businesses closed, and attaches urgency to requests for service from our area as they have always done in the past. The most recent crime maps is available at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=995ffdc5b5&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1663259162754682135&th=171515656d680d17&view=att&disp=safe  It generally shows a 4%+ increase in crime for the year with the current trend down over say a month or two earlier.  

Starting time for the Sprague reconstruction between Division and Grant is up in the air with the city evaluating doing the project now or waiting until next year when we would be starting to get back on our feet to AGAIN close Sprague. Death by a 1000 cuts seems to be the philosophy of the city. My feeling is the project must be done, now is the perfect time. Give me your feedback and I will forward to the City. 

The stormwater tank behind Zips is in discussion for use as a parking lot with STA providing transportation to the University District. Let us know your feelings on what you would like to see installed on the 1/2 block. NOTHING is off the table.

Spring on the Ave is cancelled (SORRY), but the timing is way off. The BID is doing more social media posts promoting both the BID in general and specific businesses. If you have information or an article about your business that you would like posted please send it to: shannon.osborn@cadmarcreative.com  She’s willing to post more than her contracted amount of posts given the current situation. Also if you tag us on Instagram and Facebook @spragueuniondistrict we will see your posts and share them. Please send anything that shows the growth and successes of business or projects in the Sprague Union District. We want to promote the GOOD NEWS.